ICE8000 Conscience Oath Terms and Conscience Oath Standard

ICE8000 International Credit Standard System
Conscience Oath Terms and Conscience Oath Standard
(Version: ICE8000-019-20090413-20140905-12) (This standard) Writer: Fang Bangjian ; proposer: Fang Bangjian ; deliberative body: World Credit Organization Credit Standards Committee; effectiveness level: administrative resolution
Chapter I General Provisions
1.1 In order to use moral power to prevent moral hazard and moral torture, promote social integrity, reduce transaction costs, and enhance human well-being, the World Credit Organization (WCO) has established this standard in accordance with internationally accepted legal principles and international practices.
1.2 The main legal basis for the development, application and implementation of this standard is as follows:
(1) The principle of freedom of the Constitution. The constitutions of the vast majority of countries in the world give people the freedom to defend their legitimate rights, the freedom to maintain social justice and the freedom to express their opinions.
(2) The principle of public order and goodness of law. This legal principle gives people the right to maintain social justice. The basic principles of civil law in most countries of the world include the principles of public order and good customs.
(3) The principle of good faith in law. This legal principle gives people the obligation of good faith. Most countries in the world regard the principle of good faith as the basic law of their civil and commercial laws.
(4) The principle of freedom of contract in law, also known as the principle of free agreement. This legal principle gives people the freedom to enter into a civil contract. The basic principles of civil law in most countries of the world include the principle of freedom of contract.
1.3 The conduct of the application and implementation of this standard shall be deemed to be the tripartite or multi-party contractual act of the World Credit Organization (WCO) in Delaware, USA, as an attestation or supervisor, and The relevant disputes arising from this act are applicable to and protected by the laws of the State of Delaware and the United States, and the jurisdiction is also the International Court of Ethics or the Delaware Court of the United States and the United States Federal Court. If the parties have agreed otherwise or otherwise stated in the applicable law and/or jurisdiction, the binding does not involve the World Credit Organization (WCO).
1.4 People agree to a conscience vow or a conscience oath, this standard applies.
1.5 The moral hazard referred to in this standard refers to the possibility of infringement of morality and loss of benefits to others or society. Moral hazard is often caused by information asymmetry, asymmetry of reward and punishment, and asymmetry of power and responsibility.
The moral torture referred to in this standard refers to the psychological conflicts that arise when people face moral hazard (obeying morality and giving up improper interests, or violating morality and gaining improper benefits).
The conscience vows referred to in this standard refer to the vows made with their own conscience, personality, belief, health, and life.
The terms of the conscience vows referred to in this standard refer to the terms of the content of a conscience vow.
The term "conscience oath clause" as used in this standard refers to the clause in which people agree on the content of a conscience vow in the form of a contract.
The conscience oath stated in this standard refers to the solemnity of the articles of conscience vows under the supervision of the relevant personnel.
The individual referred to in this standard has been an individual who has passed the ICE80000 international credit standard system assessment and annual review, including: Integrity Hope Star Individual, Integrity Qixing Individual, and Honest Light Star Individual.
1.6 The agreement of the conscience oath clause or the oath of conscience, following the principles of reasonable and legal.
1.7 All parties applying this standard shall abide by the principle of good faith, moral bottom line and social responsibility bottom line in the process of applying this standard, and exercise and assume the rights and obligations stipulated in this standard.
1.8 All parties to this standard are deemed to have fully understood and committed to comply with all the terms of this standard. However, if any party to this standard finds any unfairness in any of the provisions of this standard, it has the right to publicly declare that it is not subject to public disclosure of the relevant circumstances and reasons and written notice to the World Credit Organization (WCO). Terms and conditions.
Chapter II Contents of the Conscience Oath Clause
2.1 The effective conscience vows clause should include the following three parts:
(1) Vows lead
The content is: "I am **, I am a ** (indicating my identity, the identity should be related to the second part of the content, if the identity has been indicated or not self-evident, you can omit this sentence), I am with my own conscience, Personality, faith, health, and life, solemnly make the following vows (commitment, guarantee):". Terms that are consistent with the semantics of the content and that are unambiguous are valid swear words. Taking an internal complaint as an example, the following statement serves as the recommended text:
A. If the complainant is personal and has no agent, the swearing lead can generally be: “I **, as a complainant, I solemnly make the following vows with my conscience, personality, belief, health, and life:”; The person's vows can generally be: "I am **, as the authorized agent of the complainant, I represent the complainant, and at the same time make the following vows with my conscience, personality, belief, health, and life:".
B. If the complainant is a unit, the oath can generally be: “I am a **, as the authorized manager and agent of the complainant, I represent the complainant, and at the same time, with my own conscience, personality, belief, health, life, solemnity Make the following vows:".
(2) Guarantee or commitment
This part refers to the matters promised or promised by the oath, such as: "I guarantee that the relevant information provided is true"; for example: "I guarantee the performance of the contractual obligations in good faith".
(3) swearing person
Where the party is a unit, the affidavit may be the legal representative (actual controller) or/and authorized agent or/and authorized handler or/and insider.
2.2 People can also strengthen the content of the oath, such as adding in the vows: with their own conscience, personality, faith, and the health and life of themselves and future generations, make the following vows (or: guarantee, etc.).
Chapter III Agreement on the Conscience Oath Clause
3.1 The conscience oath clause is agreed as follows:
(1) Contract method. People can agree on the terms of the conscience vows in the form of contract terms or contract attachments.
For example: "I am the legal representative of the Party A of the contract. I solemnly make the following vows with my conscience, personality, belief, health, and life: I promise not to default on my debts."
(2) Method of declaration. People can unilaterally declare conscience vow clauses in relevant materials.
For example: "I personally act as the witness of the ** incident. I solemnly make the following vows with my own conscience, personality, belief, health, and life: I guarantee that the testimony I provided is personally experienced."
Chapter IV Conscience Oath Ceremony
4.1 The following persons are eligible to be the supervisors of the conscience oath ceremony:
(1) Religious personnel (eg, pastors, etc.);
(2) teachers;
(3) Individuals have been established.
4.2 Procedure for the Conscience Oath Ceremony:
(1) Identify and print the conscience oath clause.
(2) The oath shall raise the right hand and the left hand to pat the following sacred objects:
A. If the swearing person has a clear religious belief, the religious statutes of his faith (such as the Bible, the Qur'an, etc.) are his sacred objects;
B. If the swearing person does not have a clear religious belief, the paper marked with the words “parents and children” is a sacred object.
(3) The supervisor strictly recites the terms of the conscience vows according to the sentence, and the oath is strictly followed.
(4) The oath shall sign the instrument of the conscience vows.
(5) The supervisor signs the conscience oath clause document and indicates the sacred object type according to the left hand. If there is any explanation, it can be noted together.
4.3 If, due to special circumstances, inconvenience or inability to hold a conscience swearing ceremony, the person concerned shall sign under the terms of the conscience vows and deemed to have made a conscience oath.
Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
5.1 This standard shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation.
5.2 The terminology involved in this standard, if its meaning is not agreed in this standard, its meaning is described in the ICE8000 International Credit Standard System International Credit Industry Terminology.
5.3 All relevant parties submit various types of materials submitted to the World Credit Organization (WCO) (or ICE8000 Credit Agency) in accordance with this standard. For the copyright agreement, see the ICE8000 International Credit Standard System Document Copyright Management Standard.
5.4 If the relevant parties know or ought to have known that any of the terms or conditions of this standard have not been complied with, but still do not expressly file a written objection in time for this non-compliance, it is deemed to waive their right to file an objection. The waiving party shall bear the legal consequences such as losses caused by the waiver, and the World Credit Organization (WCO) and other parties shall not be responsible for this.
5.5 This standard will be revised and improved. All parties applying this standard should pay full attention to the revision of this standard and apply the latest version of this standard, but the behavior that occurred before the revision of this standard may not be subject to the new revised clause. The official website of the latest Chinese version of this standard is: .
5.6 The copyright of this standard belongs to the World Credit Organization (WCO), members can use it for free and unlimited use; non-members can use it free of charge for study, training, research, self-use, reprint, citation, adaptation, reference, reference under the premise of indicating or declaring the source. , reference. No unit or individual may plagiarize plagiarism or disguise plagiarism or otherwise infringe. Otherwise, we will jointly expose the infringing units, individuals and related personnel after the investigation of the infringement facts is clear (to issue a credit wanted order to the society). And reserves the right to pursue their legal responsibility. Do not infringe or infringe.
5.7 The standard version number is expressed as: ICE8000-abcd, where: the front-end ICE8000 indicates that this standard is one of the standards of the ICE8000 international credit standard system; a is the serial number of the standard in the ICE8000 system standard, if this standard is Abolished, the serial number is sometimes transferred to other standards; b is the initial writing time of this standard; c is the latest revision time of this standard; d is the number of revisions of this standard.
5.8 This standard is interpreted by the World Credit Organization (WCO).